The PSC Library catalog allows you to place a hold on books and other items you find while searching. These books or other items could be either books owned by the PSC Library or one of the other 94 I-Share libraries throughout the state. When you place a hold, library staff will place the book or other item you select at the front desk of the PSC Library, but you may also pick up at any other I-Share library you choose.
To place a hold on an item you have found while searching, first make sure you are signed into PrimoVE, the library's catalog, by clicking on the Sign In link:
Then click on Student/Faculty/Staff Login:
This should trigger the PSC Sign In, where you can enter your PSC login credentials. When it is finished, you should be returned to Primo VE and your name should appear in the top right of the screen.
To place a hold, first click on the title of an item to find out more about it and see the different ways you can access it.
Then on the next page (the full record), click on Request:
In the form that opens up, select where you would like to pick up the item and then click Send Request.
If an item is only available from another I-Share library, you will only see a button for I-Share:
You may then select which institution and location where you would like to pick up the item, then click Send Request.
To see your active hold requests, click on your name in the top right corner of Primo VE and then click on My Requests.
From that screen, you can see the status of your Requests, and can cancel them if you no longer need the item.
You will receive an email notification to your PSC email account when the item is ready for pickup.