Citing your sources is an important part of the research and writing process. You should cite your sources because:
From the Prairie State Academic Honesty webpage
Common types of academic dishonesty:
Cheating: Turning in work that is not your own, copying answers, acquiring advance copies of exams, using materials that are not permitted, etc. This includes using a website or app to solve problems for you and then presenting the answers or work as your own.
Plagiarism: Inappropriate source use such as poor paraphrasing, incorrect citations, and unattributed source use. All language from sources must be in quotation marks and all ideas taken from sources should be cited.
Repurposing: Submitting work from another class or institution and without instructor consent.
Imitation/Proxy: Having someone else represent you for the purpose of doing your work.
Falsification/Fabrication: Falsely attributing ideas or language to a source. This includes falsifying data in a lab.
Enabling Dishonesty: Knowingly allowing another student to submit or copy from your own work.Consequences for academic dishonesty are based on the severity of the offense and are determined at the discretion of the instructor. Consequences can include mandatory revision of an assignment, failure of an assignment, failure of a class, or suspension from the college.
Remember: academic dishonesty is avoidable. If you have questions, ask your instructor.
When to cite a source: